Delphiniums, family and fun

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A day of rest

I'm blogging on a Sunday because yesterday was so good that I didn't have time - or I forgot.

Janice and I spent until 3pm yesterday at the market, grocery shopping, visiting my mother and doing nursery work and quilting. You can work out who did what. After 3pm a couple of our neighbours who we saw at the market came for afternoon tea and we just frittered the rest of the day away. Nice.

This morning I plan to spend time in the garden and will take a few images to show you how, despite the cold, some plants are growing at pace.

The delphiniums are coming into flower too and it looks like we'll need more pollinators in a couple of weeks.

Roses are breaking bud.

And there is a small, summer interloper setting up shop in the greenhouse.

So, a good day in the garden and I finished off the activity with a bike ride, the first for some months. I figure if I can keep up the blogging then I can keep up the riding too.



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